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Megan O’Grady

Megan O’Grady, Founder and President of Blue Line Bears, is the daughter of Lieutenant Patrick O’Grady and Suzie O’Grady. From a very young age, Megan showed a great admiration and respect for Law Enforcement after seeing her dad go to work in uniform every day and meeting many of his fellow officers over the years. She would often bake cookies and brownies for the officers in his unit or on his shift, and would go in and speak at roll call when she was selling Girl Scout cookies every year. When Megan was 14 years old and preparing to enter high school, the reality of the threat officers like her dad face on the job became all too real when she watched the events in Dallas on July 7, 2016 unfold on TV and Social Media. Heartbroken for the families of the fallen officers, Megan began to talk about how she could help. A few months later, the idea of Blue Line Bears was conceived. Driven to make her mission a reality, Megan started a GoFundMe page to raise money to buy her first sewing and embroidery machine. She then called on her Grandma to teach her to sew, and utilized YouTube videos to learn to embroider. Her desire to grow the mission of Blue Line Bears continued throughout high school and even into her college career. Megan is currently a Senior at the University of Central Florida where she is majoring in Psychology while taking a variety of art-related courses. Her goal is to continue her education in graduate school where she hopes to major in Art Therapy.