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The Maddox Family

Chase and Bradin

Patrolman Chase Lee Maddox, Locust Grove Police Department, Georgia, EOW 2/9/2018

Family: Wife Alex, Son Bradin, Son Bodie (born 4 days after his EOW)

One quote I remember my husband, Patrolman Chase Maddox (EOW 02/09/2018), saying is “the good will always outweigh the bad.” 

Blue Line Bears embodies this statement. After Chase was killed, our family’s foundation was shaken, broken down and left in shambles. When Blue Line Bears reached out, they offered to make Teddy Bears out of his uniform. I remember being nervous to send off these now treasured articles of clothing… scared of letting something of his leave my control. Megan and her team went above and beyond to ensure his bears were created and safely delivered to us. When we hold them, we can feel the whole-hearted care used to stitch them together. Our boys, Bradin who was special needs and Bodie born four days after Chase’s End Of Watch have cherished our new family members. Our bears have watched over us as we slept, tagged along on family trips, and provided comfort with a hug or slight touch of the fabric which once clothed our Chase. 

Beyond the snuggles, Megan has created a family.  A network of people brought together by loss but bonded by our bears and love. Our Blue Line Bear Family calls to check in on each other, meets up when possible, sends texts and reminders of how our loved ones will never be forgotten. To some, our bears seem like a kind gesture. To the ones receiving them, it is so much more. They are a symbol of rebuilding. A symbol of strength. Proving even though our family suffered the devastating loss of Chase, the goodness of the world, exemplified by Blue Line Bears, far outweighs the bad. I will never be able to adequately put into words how Blue Line Bears has provided a light for our family in our darkest hours. We are forever grateful.
-Alex Maddox